From The Tasting Room

In the Name of the Father Father’s Day is its own excellent reason to swing by Captain Lawrence on a perfectly sunny and beautiful Sunday, but there was another one to boot: the Pilot Batch Tap Takeover. Put in plain English, a dozen of the...

The Craft Behind Brewing, and Filmmaking The usual buzz of beery conversation out on the Captain Lawrence patio is hushed for a night, all eyes and ears focused on a movie screen as filmmaker/beermaker Craig Noble’s craft brewing documentary Craft ( prepares to air. While...

The Captain’s Log: Mass. Appeal It’s 300 miles from Philadelphia to Boston, and with any luck, you’ll be able to enjoy a Captain Lawrence in both cities—and all in between--some time next year. Captain Lawrence plans to debut in the Philly market in January, a big...

Memorial Day Memories: Hiking, Biking, Craft-Beer Liking While much of the population was intent on getting out of Westchester County for Memorial Day, others were actually looking to come to the area for the long weekend--and avail themselves of the parks, the historic sites, the breweries....

All Fine At CL Swine Dine The Captain Lawrence Pig Roast! Easily the biggest and definitely the bestest day of the Captain Lawrence calendar year! The weather leading up to the big day was dreadful—buckets of rain threatening to make a muddy mess of things. But...

Grab Another For Mother! Brewery tasting rooms have come a long way in terms of being socially acceptable places to celebrate special occasions, but it may be a few more years before they rival the popular brunch spots on Mother’s Day. On a sparkling day that...

The Captain’s Log: Top of the Hops Beer tastes especially good when it’s consumed out of a giant trophy cup that you were just given. Scott Vaccaro had that opportunity when Captain Lawrence was awarded the Matthew Vassar Brewer’s Cup for best Hudson Valley brewery at...

Full Moons and Mini-‘Moons If you ever want the Captain Lawrence tasting room almost completely to yourself, the time to go is Wednesday around 4 p.m. People will knock off work early on a Thursday or Friday, but not so much on Hump Day. The handful...

Brews Travelers’ Year of Beer For most everyone in the tasting room—and particularly on the patio on this don’t-forget-the-sunscreen kind of day—it is simply a perfect Sunday: A few locally brewed craft beer samples and lots of laughs with friends before the work week starts. For Brandon...

Talkin’ Baseball…and Beer It’s opening day for our national pastime, but it really doesn’t feel like it. The weekend was a wet washout, a few flakes even flew, and if you look around a bit, you can still find clumps of snow where the sun, as...